Whatever it is, am I right?

The phrase "staying in it" isn't about struggle nor ignoring the pains that figurative and literal labor is. It isn't either of those things. It is about applying grace and patience and endurance and determination. One thing I hear about a whole lot these days is knowing how to struggle. When I can write about it, it will be listed here: How to Struggle. Similar to the way you may hold a plank and your whole body is shaking and you're tired and want to give up and get up, staying in it is about breathing through the hard parts and keeping form when you want to collapse; toughening up even more mentally to last longer physically. If you don't know, the last few seconds of a workout when you're wanting to tap out are truly the most transformational.
Okay, you're going through something difficult. How do you stay in it? How do you stick with the difficult class? How do you commit to attending the professor's office hours? How do you challenge yourself through the thing?
Often times, I pray to God and follow the steps He gave me to follow through including doing my best and focusing on that so He has room to do the rest. What does this look like? Sometimes it was completing assignments before the weekend, and sometimes it was asking for an extension on an assignment. Sometimes it was reading a book, and sometimes it was being at a particular event even though all I had in me was the ability to "show face." Acknowledge what was handed you. Maybe your form isn't completely tight and you can't suck your tummy in, but you stay in it. Do your best where you are with what you have. Here's the countdown: 3, 2, 1. Rest.

You probably thought I was done. Staying in it is about doing the best with what you got and asking God to handle the rest, yes. It is also about enduring. Did I mention that in the beginning? I sure hope so, but if you didn't get the message about the last few seconds of the plank, I'll reiterate: now is not the time to fall on your knees. Enduring isn't just about mental-emotional-physicality, it comes to center around what you're feeding yourself as well. We can get swept up into the discontentment of others. Sometimes their complaints can feed a part of ourselves that our discipline and determination was starving. When it comes to staying in it, I love blasting an Eric Thomas podcast episode or motivational speech. I'll have my favorite below.
Sometimes I need someone else's voice in my corner and I turn to sermons or even my dad. Recognize what you might need to hear or see or do or eat to stay in it.
One thing my little sister and I love to joke about is the need for something sweet or exercise during a tough time. Whether boba or ice cream, we always encourage one another to indulge. It almost serves at its own reminder that it'll get better, even sweeter if you can stay in the now, in the present. Don't focus on what's down the line. God will handle it. Sometimes, we take breaks from what we are doing to walk around or talk to those we love about something other than what's tough or make plans to do something if we can, Lord willing, get to it. Instead of giving so much power to misery or hardship, glorify God and keep it pushing. This can be done with gratitude journaling or simply writing out, at the end of each day, what you got done and celebrating that. Read more on How to Celebrate here.
I know it's tough now, but trouble don't last always. Stay in it and enjoy it before it's too late.
All the Best,
CLG (Clarreese La'Nay Greene)