Celebration is about honoring something or someone through visual, verbal, physical, and likewise acts of love and joy in what has been accomplished or what has occurred. Usually we are celebratory of birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays--moments that we share with others or that celebrate the self. How do we engage with that with Spirit or those which are non-human?
When it comes to Spirit, that celebration thereof is about worship. Have you check out my How to Worship blog post? I mentioned the way I worship in prayer, song, dance, and the way I conduct myself throughout my days. When you celebrate Spirit, it is worship. Me, personally, "I get
a bit more free. I stop caring what I look like and sound like. I have thanks to give. I have love to show. I have a Word to hear. I have a Word to be. I have a Word to bear." Similarly with celebration, we get a bit more free and clap and shout and stomp our feet.
Celebration of life before us is all the things: it's thanks to the birds and the bees; it's the acknowledgement for the knowledge learned from the trees; it's recognizing the work the fish put in to be a great source of protein and omega-3s. It is a recognition that what we enjoy is not by our labor alone. It's about throwing a party in the way you see fit with the cake and balloons and gifts and well wishes for much more to come. I hope that with this, you may begin to see the ability to celebrate that which is outside of you.
All the Best,
CLG (Clarreese La'Nay Greene)