We get caught up in illusions of powerlessness and develop an apathy towards action as a human peoples. How can we be more resourceful? I will tell you what: it is not about dooming and glooming and thinking that things must be perfect and put together. To me, resourcefulness is about know that you already have the tools you need to start, whether that be deep down inside of you, or on YouTube. Resourcefulness is about being able to think about how you can get to the next step. If you were trying to start a community garden, you may not know how to garden. That is just fine. It is more so about you being willing, able, and proactive about finding your help and the help and skills of others.
In undergrad, I felt plenty resou
rceful. I worked multiple jobs on campus, made friends of different nationalities, backgrounds, and ages, and attended various events and thus occupied different spaces on campus. Sometimes, showing up was the resource. I got to come to know who did what and who said they did something, but does not actually do that forreal.
The following image is the image of a kayak: an activity that I would never have participated in if not engaged in resourcefulness, community, and adventure.

How can you be resourceful?
Diversify that which your interested in with books and the help of the internet, but do not for get about connecting to people. They will get you to where you are going and maybe even farther (or higher, for my spiritual folks).
Take good care.
All the Best,