Travel is weird because I see South Carolina in Gran Canaria and my family members in folks from Nigeria and it makes me wonder why I left. As I see all the Korean characters strung together to form what can’t be translated easily into another language's words I am reminded that there are strangers that I can share glances with and have that mean just as much. I’m controversially saying that what I’ve looked to explore and expect abroad and in other people has been simultaneously in me and the places I occupy even now. This isn't a message that is anti-travel nor anti-explore-the-world. I would, rather, for us to be just as gung ho for exploring that which is around us. There are neighbors we don't even know, for example. There are niche spots where we live we have yet to love, for example. Sure, I'll visit Japan, Nepal, and the Philippines. But I noticed that they have visited me already as well. To my friends, Yaya, Sri Sri, and Juju respectively, I have gotten the opportunity to meet the descendants of those ever-evolving cultures and share their friendship with others who have come to learn and be opened to even more. I will not be remiss that lands carry eons of seasons and humans don't receive that much time, but time is time and experience is experience and learning anew is learning anew. They carry lands in their hearts and show me in their speech and actions is what I mean. The lands and people around you are waiting for you to visit them too. Don't forget that.
All the Best,
CLG (Clarreese La'Nay Greene)